That being said, we've decided that we're going to move out of the current residence and into a home of our own. Yes, somewhere in the midst of me being gone all over the state, and working more hours then I care to remember, Julie found a great house that we are going to make our new home.
We are super excited and can't wait to get started with the preparations!
On another note, I was called into our corporate offices for a meeting this last Tuesday. This meeting was a chance for my 3 co-workers, my boss, and myself to be honored for the hard work we've been doing since late last year on our network expansion. As I've previously blogged, we've been all over the west and in all of this, saved our company a lot of money. Not be switching to Geico... We received very nice jackets, and many thanks from our senior officers of the company. It really is nice to be rewarded for hard work, and to be recognized for the extra efforts we put forth. I can't say enough about the guys who I worked with, they are smart, energetic and when it came to crunch time, really made a difference. I'm glad I was able to be a part of the project, and look forward to more actually.
I do want a break, especially since we're going to be moving now. But that only means more work, like that lovely mowing of the yard etc. This is work that I actually don't mind doing.